
RTM成型复合材料T型接头工艺参数优化与力学性能实验研究 被引量:15

Processing parameter optimization and experimental investigation on mechanical properties for RTM composite T-joint
摘要 对树脂传递模塑(RTM)成型的复合材料T型接头进行了工艺参数优化、制备及力学性能实验研究。应用流动模拟软件,对RTM成型的复合材料T型接头进行了基体流动数值模拟,确定模具最佳注射方式和出胶口位置,并优化了影响树脂充模时间的工艺参数,显著提高了RTM接头的工艺性能。根据优化工艺参数结果,制备了RTM成型的复合材料T型接头试样,并进行了拉伸和压缩试验,分析了其破坏机制。根据拉伸和压缩试验现象和结果,发现RTM成型的复合材料T型接头拉伸破坏模式主要为富树脂三角区的树脂与纤维布界面分层,其拉伸破坏主要取决于树脂基体抗剥离分层的拉伸强度;压缩破坏模式为底板中央部位的弯曲分层与折断,其压缩破坏由接头底板中的纤维布抗拉强度决定;T型接头的压缩破坏强度高于拉伸破坏强度。 The paper seeks to address an integrated technique for the processing parameter optimization, manufacturing and mechanical property-based experiments for the composite T-joint prepared by the resin transfer moulding(RTM) process. The numerical simulation for resin flow of RTM process was conducted to obtain the optimized injection modes of resin into mould and processing parameters. From the optimized results of RTM processing parameter, the composite T-joints were processed by using RTM technique for the tension and compression tests. The mechanical properties were determined and the failure mechanism was discussed from the experimental observation. The results show that the debonding and delamination occur along the interface of a triangular region of the T-joint subjected to tension loading, which are governed largely by the static tension properties of the resin. The bending delamination and fracture appear at the central cross section of bottom plate of the T-joint subjected to compression loading, which are dependent on more of the ability of the fabric to support the fibre against tension. And the failure strength of compression is higher than that of tension.
出处 《复合材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期13-17,共5页 Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica
基金 航空科学基金(05A51011)
关键词 复合材料 树脂传递模塑(RTM) 流动模拟 力学性能 T接头 composites resin transfer moulding (RTM) flow simulation mechanical properties T-joint
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