
少林寺:“天下第一名刹” 被引量:1

Shaolin Temple:the best temple under the heaven
摘要 少林寺,以其历史悠久,禅宗祖庭,少林武术发源地而驰名海内外。兴盛时期,规模宏大,高僧辈出,下院数十,僧众数千。历史上虽数经磨难,但仍能以文物丰富,禅林懿范,武术渊薮,保持其香火旺盛,高僧云集,帝王朝圣,游人如织的名寺地位。北魏太和二十年(496年),孝文帝元宏为安顿天竺僧跋陀落迹传教而敕建少林寺。唐初因助唐有功,得到李唐王朝封赏,成为驰名中外的大佛寺,有"天下第一名刹"之称。其后几经兴衰,明朝初年较大规模的整修,奠定了现在少林寺的布局和规模。民国军阀混战,少林寺的天王殿、大雄宝殿、藏经阁,钟楼鼓楼等被付之一炬。现在少林寺除主体建筑群常住院外,尚存塔林、达摩面壁洞、初祖庵、二祖庵、三祖庵、十方禅院甘露台、祠堂及分布于寺周散存的和尚墓塔等。 Shaolin Temple,well-known both at home and abroad for its long-standing history,is the ancestor's house of Chan Sect of Buddhism and the cradle of Shaolin Kungfu.During periods of prosperity,Shaolin temple boasts of its grand scale of temples with eminent monks pouring forth.Despite hardships encountered in history, Shaolin Temple is renowned for its rich collection of cultural relics,noble morals of Chan Buddhism,as well as the birthplace of martial arts,which,in turn,helps remain its important status of a well-known temple with incense winding around,eminent monks coming forth,emperor pilgrims and travellers being attracted here for worshiping.In 496,Shaolin Temple was initially built under the reign of Emperor Xiaowen for an Indian monk Batuo for his missionizing activities.Shaolin Temple won awards in Tang Dynasty and was given the title'the best temple under the heaven'for its great contribution to protecting Li royal family in early Tang Dynasty. Shaolin Temple has witnessed ups and downs in history as well as several large-scale renovations in the early period of Ming Dynasty.Several halls and pavilions were burnt down owing to warlords' tangled fights in the Republic of China.The Heavenly Guardian Hall,the Hall of Mahavira(Great Hero),the Sutra Collection Pavilion,the Bell Tower and Drum Tower have collapsed due to the fire.The existing Shaolin Temple,besides its main architectural complex,also consists of Pagoda Forest,Dharma Cave,Ancestor's Monastery,Second Ancestor's Monastery,Third Ancestor's Monastery,Shifang Chan Courtyard,Ganlu Terrace,ancestral temples and tomb pagodas for monks scattering around.
作者 杨焕成
出处 《中国文化遗产》 2009年第3期34-47,共14页 China Cultural Heritage
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