
广东省居民铁营养状况及影响因素分析 被引量:1

Analysis of iron nutritional status of residents and its influential factors in Guangdong
摘要 目的探讨广东省居民铁营养状况。方法运用4阶段随机整群抽样方法,抽取8个县(区)、24个乡镇(街道)、48个村(居委)6921位居民进行调查并采血,用放射免疫法测血清铁蛋白(SF)含量,用二项分类logistic回归分析影响因素。结果此次调查样本人群SF均值为(87.15±77.19)μg/L,男性(102.61±88.32)μg/L,女性(71.58±60.18)μg/L;成人(114.81±99.13)μg/L,儿童(64.62±40.98)μg/L。成人的明显高于儿童(t=28.43,P<0.001),SF均值随年龄增加而增高。在0~15岁之间,男、女性SF均值变化基本相同(t=0.108,P=0.914);15岁以后,男性SF均值明显高于女性(t=22.93,P<0.001)。样本人群中86.6%的SF值正常,3.1%的低于正常值,10.2%的高于正常值。随着年龄的增加人群SF过高发生率也增加。男性SF过高发生率明显高于女性,女性SF过低发生率明显高于男性。结论广东省人群铁营养状况不容乐观,值得关注的是学龄前儿童和20~50岁年龄组的女性SF过低发生率较高,需要采取积极措施改善人群铁营养状况。 Objective To survey the iron nutritional status of residents in Guangdong. Methods Using multi-stage randomized cluster samphng,6 921 residents were sampled from 8 districts/counties in Guangdong province. The serum ferritin (SF) level was detected by radioimmunoassay method. Binary Logistic regression model were conducted to analyses the influence factors. Results The total mean value of SF concentrations for 6 921 individuals was 87.15±77.19μg/L,with mean values of 102.61±88.32μg/L,71.58±30.18μg/L,114.81±99.13μg/L and 64.62±40.98μg/L for males,females,adults and children respectively. That for adults was significantly higher than children's and the mean value of SF increased along with the increase of age. For subjects of age 0 to 15,the change trends of the mean values had no significant difference between male and female,but over 15 years old,the mean value of males was obviously higher than that of females. 86.6% of the sample crowd had normal SF levels,3.1% less than the reference range hmits and 10.2% surpassed the standard. The prevalence of hyper-SF increased along with the increase of age. The hyper-SF prevalence in males was obviously higher than females. Conclusions The nutritional status of iron in Guangdong was not ideal,especially the high hypo-SF prevalence in children below 5 years old and females aged 20 to 50 years is to be concerned. It is suggested that active measures should be taken as soon as possible to improve the SF levels in this province.
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2009年第7期1378-1380,1382,共4页 China Tropical Medicine
基金 广东省科技计划项目(社会发展攻关 2002C32709)
关键词 血清铁蛋白 营养状况 调查 Serum ferritin Nutritional status Cross-sectional survey
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