

An Empirical Study on Specialization Economic Model of Yue-Kong Based on Resource Endowment Theory
摘要 在专业化经济模型的基础上,分析了专业化经济与资源禀赋理论的关系,建立了广东与香港两地的经济合作模型,并用具有资源禀赋的专业化经济模型分析了粤港经济合作的前景,提出了使粤港两地比较优势互补的效果达到最优的方案。得出了粤港两地利用新的互补比较优势,推动两地经济合作模式的升级,使两地经济资源达到最优配置的有效途径。 In this paper, based on the Resource Endowment Theory, we discussed the relation between specialized economy and resource endowment, established the economic model of Guangdong and Hongkong. At the same time, we studied the foreground of economic collaborate of Guangdong and Hongkong by the specialized economy model. In addition we obtained the optimal and solution to develop the collaborate economic advantage model of Guangdong and Hongkong.
出处 《科技和产业》 2009年第6期30-33,共4页 Science Technology and Industry
基金 广州中医药大学人文社科类研究基金资助项目(NO.0626)
关键词 专业化经济 资源禀赋 经济模型 specialized economy resource endowment economic model
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