

The HRCT Diagnosis of the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Aged Patients
摘要 目的研究高分辨率CT(HRCT)在老年性特发性肺纤维化(IPF)患者的诊断价值。方法回顾经纤镜肺活检(TBLB),CT导向穿刺活检,开胸活检确诊的16例患者所做的HRCT检查并与常规胸部x线检查,常规胸部CT比较。结果HRCT提示IPF特征是:(1)磨玻璃密度阴影;(2)网状、线条状阴影;(3)蜂窝状阴影;(4)胸膜下线(5)肺小叶结构变形;(6)交界面不规则;(7)胸膜增厚。以上阴影呈散灶性分布,以中下肺、胸膜下分布为主,各种阴影可并存。结论HRCT作为无创伤性检查对本病诊断、分期、指导治疗和疗效观察有重要意义,是目前最方便、最敏感的无创性检查方法。但完全正确的诊断仍需要影像,临床、血清学和组织病理相结合。 purpose : To rescarch diagnostic value of HRCT In the elderly idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Methods Review HRCT of 16 IDF patients definite diagnosed by TBLB CT-guided percutaneous biopsy, open-chest biopsy, Compare to conventional Chest X-ray and CT.Results Characters of IPF suggested by HRCT: ( 1 ) ground-glass deasity images; (2) reticular and linear shadow; (3) honeycombshadows; (4) subpleural line; (5) pulmonary iobule structural deformation; (6) interface irregular; (7) pieural phickening.. Above shadows are scattering distribution and Coexist , mainly appears in middle and lower lung and Subpleural position.Conclusion HRCT is the most convenient and sensitive non-invasive examination for IPF, which has important significance in diagnosis stage guiding treatment and observation of curative effect
出处 《中国保健营养(临床医学学刊)》 2009年第6期78-80,共3页 China Health Care Nutrtion
关键词 特发性肺纤维化(IPF) Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)
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