
2008~2009年海峡两岸经贸关系发展形势分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Cross-strait Economic and Trade Relations From 2008 to 2009
摘要 2008年,是海峡两岸经贸关系发生巨大变化的一年,是两岸经贸关系发展的一个历史性转折点。在两岸关系出现重大积极变化的形势下,中断近十年的海协会与海基会恢复协商,先后举行两次重要会谈,达成六项两岸经贸交流与合作协议,努力了近30年的两岸直接"三通"基本实现,两岸经贸关系发展进入一个新的时期。与此同时,受国际金融危机冲击,海峡两岸贸易增长放慢,台商对大陆投资有所减缓,大陆台资企业经营面临转型升级的困难加大。2009年,两岸经贸协商继续进行,并有新的突破与发展,但两岸贸易与台商对大陆投资仍面临较大压力。 In 2008, dramatic changes have occurred in cross-strait economic and trade relations, which means to be the historic turning point in the development of cross-strait economic and trade relations. Under such circumstances, Straits Exchange Foundation and Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait have resumed consultations and negotiations after the interruption for nearly a decade, successively holding two important meetings to reach the six cross-strait economic exchanges and cooperation agreements. Cross-strait "Three Links" which we have been consistent with for nearly three decades has been mainly achieved; what' s more, a bright future has approached in the development of cross-strait economic and trade relations. At the same time, under the influence of the international financial crisis, the growth of cross-strait economy and trade is slowing down, the Taiwan Residents investment in the mainland is on the decline, and the Taiwan-funded enterprises in mainland are facing increasing difficulties in transformation and upgrading. In 2009, cross-strait economic and trade negotiation is expected to continue with new breakthroughs and improvements, however, greater pressure will be involved in cross-strait trade and Taiwan Residents investment in China's Mainland.
作者 王建民
出处 《北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2009年第2期100-107,共8页 Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 两岸经贸 台商投资 直接“三通” 形势展望 cross-strait economy and trade Taiwan Residents investment direct "three links" prospect
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  • 2《人民日报》(海外版)2009年1月1日第2版.
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  • 5台湾《联合报》2008年1月21日.


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