
马铃薯膜下滴灌节水及生产效率的初步研究 被引量:47

Water Use Efficiency and Water Production Efficiency of Potato(Solanum tuberosum L.) with under-mulch Drip Irrigation
摘要 为了探索膜下滴灌在马铃薯生产中应用的可行性,于内蒙古达茂旗进行了膜下滴灌试验。结果表明:膜下滴灌比露地滴灌平均增产26%,水分利用效率提高28.5%,灌水的平均生产效率提高26%,因此,膜下滴灌应该成为内蒙古西部地区马铃薯生产中有效的增产节水措施。一带双行滴灌模式下马铃薯平均产量显著高于一带一行处理,这种滴灌模式不仅节约管道设备,而且进一步提高了水分利用效率和灌水生产效率,值得在生产中广泛推广。尽管露地滴灌条件下马铃薯产量与滴灌带的密度有关,一带一行灌溉方式下产量高于一带双行,但总体而言,露地滴灌在水分利用效率上显著低于膜下滴灌,因此在水分不足的内蒙古西部马铃薯产区,不建议广泛推广露地滴灌。 In order to know the possibility of the application of drip irrigation under mulch in potato production in dry land area of Inner Mongolia where potato is main crop, field experiment about effects of drip irrigation under mulch on potato tuber yield and water use efficiency was conducted in Damaoqi, Inner Mongolia. The results showed that under drip irrigation with mulch cover, potato tuber yield was averagely increased by 26% compared with drip irrigation without mulch cover, and water use efficiency and production efficiency of irrigation were increased by 25.8% and 26% respectively, therefore drip irrigation with mulch cover is an extension deserving technology for increasing potato tuber yield and water use efficiency. The results also showed that two rows of potato with one irrigation strap got more efficient water use rate and greater yield than one row of potato with one irrigation strap. Due to its lower water use efficiency and lower yield under drip irrigation without mulch cover, it is not suggested that drip irrigation without mulch cover should be extended extensively in potato production in the western area of Inner Mongolia.
出处 《中国马铃薯》 2009年第3期148-151,共4页 Chinese Potato Journal
基金 十一五科技支撑课题"西北干旱区高效施肥关键技术研究与示范"(2008BADA4B09) 农业部公益性行业计划(200803030)
关键词 马铃薯 覆膜 露地 滴灌 potato (Solarium tuberosum L.) mulch cover bare land drip irrigation
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