目的为了摸清鼓浪屿疗养区微小气候情况,掌握其变化规律,更好地指导疗养工作而开展本研究。方法利用美国生产的Davis 6162EU型自动气象站在鼓浪屿疗养区中心地带连续测定温度、湿度、气流、气压等气象因子。采用无线传输技术,每间隔30min采集数据一次。结果24个月之中,月平均温度在15℃~25℃之间的有16个月,一年之中的月平均最高温度落在7、8月份,超过了35℃;一年之中月平均最低温度落在1、2月份,约7℃~8℃。24个月的月平均湿度都在54%~83%之间,其中月平均湿度超过70%的占12个月,月平均湿度在50%~70%之间的主要落在9、10、11、12、1和2月份。呈现冬春季节平均气压高于夏秋季节的趋势。结论每年的9、10、11、12月份空气湿度在50%~70%之间,这时候的气温也适宜,人体感觉最为舒适。这一阶段的气候是鼓浪屿海滨疗养区疗养的"黄金疗养期"。
Objective To investigate microclimate in sanitarium area on Gulang Island and its variation law,and to instruct convaleseence work better. Methods Meteorological factors such as temperature, humidity, air current, and air pressure etc.were continuous observed in heartland of sanitarium area on Gulang Island by Davis 6162EU type automatic meteerological station made in USA. Radio transmission technology was adopted and the data were collected at intervals of 30 min.Results Among 24 months, there were 16 months with monthly mean temperature in range of 15℃ to 25℃.The highest monthly mean temperature was recorded in July or August (over 35"C )and the lowest in January or February (7℃-8℃).The medial humidity of 24 months was between 54% and 83%.Among which, 12 months of medial humidity exceeded 70%.While the medial humidity in range of 50 % to 70% was common in September, October, November and December. There was a tendency that the average air pressure during the winter and spring was higher than that during the summer and autumn. Conclusion The medial humidity in range of 50% to 70% is common in September, October, November and December .In this period, the temperature is suitable to people,who will feel extremely comfortabe.So it is golden recuperation period for convalescence in sanitarium area on Gulang Island
Chinese Journal of Convalescent Medicine
Sanitarium area on Gulang Island