采用双循环气液平衡釜测定了碳酸二甲酯-正辛烷在101.3 kPa下的气液平衡数据。运用该实验结果,进一步获得组分的液相活度系数。实验数据经Herington面积积分法校验符合热力学一致性。采用Wilson模型对该实验数据进行了关联,利用关联出的模型参数计算出相应的气相组成,并与实验值比较,其平均绝对偏差为0.0034,取得满意结果。这为建立碳酸二甲酯的精馏分离数学模型提供了基础数据。
Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for the binary system of dimethyl carbonate and n-octane were measured by using double circulating vapor-liquid equilibrium caldron at 101.325kPa. The activity coefficients of the liquid phase for the binary system were determined further. The experimental data were checked by Herington method and were in full consistence with thermodynamics. The Wilson model was used to correlate the VLE data. And then, vapor compositions were calculated by using the analog data, and the average absolute deviation of vapor phase was 0.0034. The results are in perfect agreement with experimental data. These data can be used for building the mathematical model of separating dimethyl carbonate.
Chemical engineering of oil & gas