对两种(粉末A、粉末B)及其按一定比例混合(粉末C)的WC-10%Co4%Cr的粉末特性进行了表征,以这三种粉末为原料,利用空气助燃的超音速火焰喷涂(HVAF,High Velocity AirFuel)制备了WC-10%Co4%Cr涂层,着重研究喷涂粉末粒径、WC颗粒大小等对涂层的喷涂沉积率、硬度、韧性、结合强度和耐腐蚀等综合性能的影响。研究结果表明:A粉末喷涂沉积率高且价格较低;B粉末制备的涂层具有较高的硬度和韧性等,综合性能更优,但价格较高;混合粉末C喷涂沉积率较高,涂层的硬度、韧性和抗中性盐雾腐蚀等综合性能优良,具有较高的性价比。
Two different WC-10%Co4%Cr powders and their combinations with a certain ratio were characterized, and three WC- 10%Co4%Cr coatings were prepared using the three powders by means of HVAF process. The effects of spray particle size and WC size distribution on deposition efficiency, micro-hardness, fracture toughness, bond strength and corrosion resistance were explored in this paper. The results indicated that lower-price feedstock A owned higher deposition efficiency, while feedstock B exhibited better comprehensive coating properties in hardness and fracture toughness. Feedstock C, a combination of both feedstock A and B with a certain ratio, displayed excellent coating properties in higher deposition efficiency, hardness, fracture toughness and corrosion resistance against neutral salt spray, and had excellent performance-price ratio.
Cemented Carbides