
超滤处理乳清蛋白液的过滤性能研究 被引量:4

Study on performance of ultrafiltration for whey treatment
摘要 使用截留相对分子质量为20 000和6 000的聚砜中空纤维超滤膜(PS20000,PS6000)分别对经微滤处理的乳清液进行回收,研究了操作条件在超滤回收乳清蛋白中对膜性能和分离效果的影响.2种膜的蛋白截留率分别为80%和90%左右,乳糖透过率为80%以上,适宜的操作温度为30~40℃.随料液循环量的增加,膜通量呈线性增长,蛋白截留率下降,乳糖透过率升高.料液pH值对蛋白截留率无明显影响,而对通量和乳糖透过率影响较大.浓缩实验表明:当浓缩倍数达到3时,膜通量、蛋白截留率及乳糖透过率基本趋于稳定.PS20000及PS6000膜制成的浓缩乳清蛋白粉中蛋白质量分数分别达38.78%和40.09%,超过了浓缩乳清蛋白粉蛋白质量分数35%的最低标准.综合考虑实验中各因素,PS6000较PS20000更适于乳清蛋白的回收. Two types of ultrafihration hollow fibre membranes PS20000 and PS6000 were used in the reclamation of whey, which was previously treated by microfiltration membrane. The effects of operating conditions such as pressure, feed temperature, recycled flow rate, pH value and concentrate factor on the filtration perfor- mance, including permeate flux, protein rejection and lactose permeation were studied. Protein rejection rates for PS20000 and PS6000 were about 80% and 90%, respectively. As to the ~actose permeate rate, it was above 80%, respectively. The proper operating temperature should be controlled in the range of 30 ℃ to 40 ℃. The permeate flux, protein and lactose permeate rate raised with the increase of recycled flow rate. Feed pH value had little influence on the protein rejection, but had obvious effect on the permeate flux and lactose permeate rate. The whey was concentrated 10 times to gain whey concentrate powder (WPC). The permeate flux, protein rejection and lactose permeate rate tended to be steady when the concentrate factor reached 3. The protein content in WPC was 38.78% and 40.09% for PS20000 and PS6000 membrane. The results showed that PS6000 membrane had better performance than PS20000 in the treatment of whey.
出处 《天津工业大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第3期1-5,共5页 Journal of Tiangong University
基金 天津市应用基础重点项目(04380391I)
关键词 超滤 乳清 蛋白质 乳糖 中空纤维 uhrafihration whey protein lactose hollow fiber
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