
人大监督不力的制度原因探析 被引量:2

Institutional Reasons for Ineffective Supervision of the People's Congress
摘要 人大监督权运作正常与否被看成是衡量人大制度健康与否的重要标志。现阶段,我国各级人大较为普遍地存在着监督权不到位、监督不力的现象,这极大地消解了国家权力机关的权威、弱化了其地位。造成这一状况的制度原因主要有:党的领导和人大权力关系未能理顺;人大代表的筛选与监控机制失灵;人大代表履职监督机制还不够健全等。为此,解决人大监督不力、提高人大监督实效,要从制度建设入手,通过制度变革来形成合力,改变人大监督的政治生态环境,健全人大制度、强化人大监督,推动人大制度的健康发展。 Whether the supervision right of the People's Congress can be normally operated is regarded as an important standard to test whether the system of the People's Congress is healthy or not. At present, in China such cases as the supervision right not used in place as well as ineffective supervision generally exist in the People's Congress at all levels. The ineffective supervision greatly weakens the authority and position of state organs. This situation is mainly caused by the following reasons: the unclear relationship between the leadership of the Party and the power of the People's Congress, the malfunction of the selection and supervision mechanism of NPC deputies, irregular supervisory system over representative's performing duty and so on. Therefore, in order to solve the ineffective supervision and improve the actual effect of the supervision of the People's Congress, it is suggested to begin with system construction by which a resultant force can be formed, to try to improve the political ecological environment for the supervision of the People's Congress, to confirm the system of the People's Congress, to strengthen the supervision of the People's Congress, and to promote healthy development of the system of the People's Congress.
作者 孙莉
出处 《四川理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第3期22-25,共4页 Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 人大制度 监督权 监督不力 制度原因 people's congress system supervision right ineffective supervision institutional reasons
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