

Surface Waves at the Interface of Left-handed Material and Right-handed Material
摘要 利用严格的电磁理论证明2种偏振入射都能在各向同性的负折射材料与正折射材料界面上激发表面波,并推导出了相应表面波的传播波矢和激发条件.针对电磁波在非线性左手系材料中的传播性质,研究左、右手系材料界面上非线性TE表面波的传播行为,分析表明:2种界面上的非线性TE表面波均存在频率通带和禁带. It is shown that the surface wave can be produced for bothpolarizations for the present negative refractive index material using the rigorous electromagnetic wave theory, The wave number of the surface wave propagating on the interface between the negative refractive index material and positive refractive index material and its excitation condition are concluded. For electromagnetic plane wave propagating in nonlinear left-handed material, the properties of nonlinear TE surface waves localized at the interface of a left-handed material (an interface separating a left-handed material and a right-handed material )are investigated in detail. The results of frequency characteristics prove that there exist both passband(s) and stopband(s).
出处 《湖南城市学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第2期48-51,共4页 Journal of Hunan City University:Natural Science
基金 湖南省教育厅科研基金资助项目(06C225)
关键词 左手材料 右手材料 非线性 表面波 Left-handed material right- handed material nonlinear surface wave
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