
用于晶体生长的氮化铝保温材料的研究 被引量:8

Research on AlN Thermal Insulation Materials for Crystals Growth
摘要 在不添加任何添加剂的情况下,采用氮化铝粉体作高温气相法生长氮化铝晶体的保温材料。实验结果表明:氮化铝保温材料具有耐高温、对钨坩埚材料没有损伤、使用寿命长、不易在晶体中引入杂质等优点,是一种优良的高温保温材料。与目前常用的石墨保温材料相比较,氮化铝存在热导率相对较高、在高温过程中会少量升华污染炉腔等缺点,在使用中要采取一定的对策,以消除其不利影响。 AlN powder with no additive is used as a thermal insulation material for the physical vapor transport growth of AlN crystals. The experimental results show that AlN thermal insulator has some advantages, such as high working temperature, no damaging to the tungsten crucible, low impurity pollution to the AlN crystals. Compared with the graphite insulator, insulator has higher heat conductivity and may bring slight pollution to the furnace due effect at high temperature, which should be overcome in the experiments.
出处 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期761-766,共6页 Journal of Synthetic Crystals
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.60376003No.60576005) 深圳市科技计划费用项目(No.200517) 深圳市非共识创新项目
关键词 氮化铝 石墨 晶体 保温 AlN graphite crystal heat-insulation long lifetime, and the AlN thermal to its sublimation
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