
蛋白激酶B(AKT)抑制剂对小鼠1-细胞期胚胎分裂的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Protein Kinase B (AKT) Inhibitors on Cell Division of Mouse 1-Cell Embryos
摘要 目的:研究蛋白激酶B(AKT)在小鼠1-细胞期受精卵中的作用。方法:激酶活性分析检测2种AKT的抑制剂在小鼠1-细胞期胚胎中对MPF活性的调节;G2/M期的细胞计数检测AKT抑制剂对小鼠1-细胞期胚胎细胞分裂的影响;Western blotting检测AKT抑制剂对小鼠1-细胞期胚胎中pCDC2Tyr15的去磷酸化状态的改变。结果:AKT抑制剂抑制了MPF活性、G2/M期的转换,pCDC2Tyr15的去磷酸化状态。结论:AKT存在于小鼠1-细胞期胚胎中并通过调节MPF活性和pCDC2Tyr15的去磷酸化状态调节细胞分裂的进程。 Objective: To study the effect of AKT cell division of mouse 1-cell embryos. Methods: Effect of AKT inhibitors on MPF activity, cell division and dephosphorylation status of pCDC2 Tyrl5 in mouse 1-cell embryos was detected respectively by activity analysis, counting under dissecting microscope and Western blotting. Results: MPF activity was blocked by the inhibitors of AKT, division rate of 1-cell embryos was decreased by the inhibitors of AKT, dephosphorylation status of pCDC2 Tyr 15 was blocked by the inhibitors of AKT. Conclusion: In 1-cell embryos of mouse, MPF activity, cell division and pCDC2 tyr 15 were regulated by AKT inhibitors.
出处 《生殖与避孕》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期349-353,389,共6页 Reproduction and Contraception
基金 辽宁省科技厅博士启动基金(20041043) 辽宁省高校学校科研项目(2008S224)
关键词 蛋白激酶B(AKT) 小鼠 受精卵 G2/M转换 AKT mouse fertilized eggs G2/M transition
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