
上海白莲泾沿岸雨水泵站的排江污染和控制对策 被引量:5

Control Measures of Pollutants Discharge from Rainwater Pump Stations along Bailianjing River
摘要 白莲泾作为世博会浦东片区的核心景观之一,其水环境质量成为关注的焦点。在点源污染已全面控制的情况下,白莲泾沿岸的分流制雨水泵站的排江污染应予以重视。对白莲泾沿岸4座雨水泵站雨天和旱流排江的水量、水质进行分析,比较了不同分流制雨水泵站排江水质的特点,分析了雨水泵站对受纳水体污染的影响并提出了对策。 As one of the core landscapes in Pudong area of Shanghai World's Fair, the water environment quality of Bailianjing River is becoming an attention focus. With having controlled the point pol- lution along Bailianjing River, the pollutants discharge from the rainwater pump stations with separate system should be paid attention. The quantity and quality of the discharge from four rainwater pump sta- tions along Bailianjing River during rainy days and non-rainy days are investigated and analyzed. Based on comparing the characteristics of different rainwater pump stations with separate system, the influence of rainwater pump stations on receiving water body is analyzed, and some measures of pollution control are proposed.
出处 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期16-19,共4页 China Water & Wastewater
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2007BAK27B05-4) 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2008Zx07318-004)
关键词 白莲泾沿岸 分流制雨水泵站 排江污染 控制对策 along Bailianjing River rainwater pump station with separate system pollutants discharge into river control measure
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