Objective To study the phenotype and genotype diagnosis of 5 Chinese pedigrees with Glanzmann thromboasthenia (GT). Methods The diagnosis was based on clinical features and laboratory tests including coagulation test, platelet aggregation test and flow cytometry. PCR amplification and direct sequencing were used to analyze all the exons and flanking sequences of αⅡb and 133 gene of proband; gene polymorphism was excluded by direct sequencing of mutation locus. One hundred healthy subjects were selected as controls. Results All the probands had normal platelet count and coagulation profiles, but their bleeding time prolonged and platelet response to various aggregation inducers including ADP, collagen, adrenaline and arachidonic acid impaired, and response to ristocetin was relatively normal. Flow cytometry showed that all the probands bad type Ⅰ GT, except proband 3 which had type Ⅲ GT. Gene analysis revealed eight mutations, all located in αⅡb gene, including 1750C 〉T (Arg553Stop), 2671C〉T (Gln860Stop), 235G〉T(Glu48Stop), 1084T〉C(Phe331Leu), 1772A〉C (Asp560Ala), 69-79del (frame-shift mutation), 2333A〉C (Gln747Pro)and 3060G〉C (Lys989Asn). Conclusions Compound heterozygous mutations 1750C〉T and 2671C〉T of anb gene lead to type Ⅰ GT for proband 1. Compound heterozygous mutations 2671C〉T and 235G〉T of anb gene lead to type Ⅰ GT for proband 2. Compound heterozygous mutations 1084T〉C and 1772A〉C of αⅡb gene lead to type Ⅲ GT for proband 3. Homozygous mutation 69-79 del of αⅡb gene leads to type Ⅰ GT for proband 4. Compound heterozygous mutations 2333A〉C and 3060G〉C of αⅡb gene lead to type Ⅰ GT for proband 5. Among them, 235G〉T, 1084T〉C, 1772A〉C and 3060G〉C are the mutations in αⅡb gene identified for the first time internationally.
Journal of Diagnostics Concepts & Practice