目的:建立头孢羟氨苄甲氧苄啶胶囊溶出度测定方法。方法:以盐酸溶液(9→1000)为溶出介质,采用高效液相色谱法测定其溶出度。结果:头孢羟氨苄的浓度在38.6~192.8μg·ml^(-1)内呈良好的线性关系,r=1.000 0,平均回收率为99.1%(RSD=0.3%,n=10);;甲氧苄啶的浓度在7.8~39.0g·ml^(-1)内呈良好的线性关系,r=0.999 9,平均回收率为98.9%(RSD=0.5%,n=10)。结论:方法准确、简便,可作为制剂的溶出度测定方法。
Objective: To establish the method for the determination the dissolution for cefadroxil and trimethoprim capsules. Method: The dissolution rates were determined by HPLC, the hydrochloride acid solution (9→1000)as dissolution medium was used.Result: The linear ranges of cefadroxil and trimethoprim were 38.6 - 192.8μg·ml^-1 , r = 1. 000 0 and 7.8 - 39.0μg·ml^-1, r = 0.999 9. the average recoveries (n = 10) were 99.1% (RSD% = 0.3 % ) and 98.9% (RSD = 0.5 % ), respectively. Conclusion: The method is accurate, and simple, it can be used for determination method of dissolution of cefadroxil and trimethoprim capsules.
China Pharmacist