Objective To assess the quality of the salvaged blood processed by the autotransfusion device-Ziti-2000 during brain surgery. Methods Twenty patients scheduled for elective brain surgery were enrolled in this study, and one Ziti-2000 autotransfusion device was used to process the collected blood salvaged during the operation. The intraoperatively shed blood was collected, washed, and retransfnsed to the patients. The efficacy of eentrifugation and washing was assessed by determining the elimination rate (ER) of Pit, WBC, K^+ , and fHb. The morphology of the washed erythrocytes and the 2-week-old banked BBCs was observed by means of scanning electron microscopy. Results Extensive hemolysis was observed in the collected blood, with the percentage of hemolysis being ( 8.57 ± 0. 35) %. The ERs of Pit, WBC, K*, and fHb were 〉 80%, 〉 35%, 〉 90%, and 〉 90%, respectively. Although some shape changed red blood cells were observed in the washed blood, discocytes were the dominant form, with the percentage of discocytes being (58.0 ± 8.0)%. A greater number of shape-changed red blood cells were found in 2-week-old banked RBCs (P 〈 0. 01 ). Conclusion For brain surgeries, the quality of salvaged blood processed by Ziti-2000 is satisfactory. Although extensive hemolysis was noted in the collected blood, intraopcrative blood salvage can be effective and safe.
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion