基于声学参量阵的工作原理,设计一个由软硬件组成的测试系统,其中硬件系统由换能器发射阵、超声波发射电路和回波接收电路等构成;软件系统以LabVIEW作为开发工具,通过利用数据采集卡,实现了输入信号的产生、波形显示、参数控制、数据采集存储等多种功能。当输入信号为5 kHz,载波频率为85 kHz时,在障碍物处能够听到声响,系统也接收到回波信号,即证明系统设计是可行的。
Based on the operation principle of parametric acoustic array, a test system consists of hardware and software system is designed in this paper. The hardware system usually consists of parametric acoustic transducer array, ultrasonic transmitting circuit and echo receiving circuits. The software system based on LabVIEW,utilizes data acquisition to fulfill such functions as signal of inputted generate, waveform display, parameter control, data acquire and storage. When the inputted signal is 5 kHz and carrier wave is 85 kHz,some sounds near the barrier, the system also can receive the echo signals. It proves that the design is viable.
Modern Electronics Technique