After Effects PiPLs资源是编写After Effects软件插件(plug-in)过程中非常重要的一部分,插件出现在AfterEffects的哪一个菜单或子菜单中,以怎样的名称出现都是由PiPL资源控制的。利用VC++作为编写平台的资源文件记录了插件的基本属性信息,并使其插件能与宿主程序正确连接,从而被成功地调用。研究其结构和句法规则能使开发者灵活地进行资源部分的编写,以满足不同的用户需求。
After Effects PiPLs resources for the preparation of After Effects plug- in process is very important part in the After Effects plug - in,which appears in the menu or a sub - menu to name what kind of resource is controlled by the PiPL. VC++ to use as a platform for the preparation of the document resources of the plug- in,by nature,and making plug- in program hosts with the right connections in order to be successful call. To study the structure and syntax rules allow developers the flexibility to carry out part of the preparation of resource to meet the needs of different users.
Modern Electronics Technique