

Financial Crisis and ASEAN Regional Economic Cooperation
摘要 近些年来,东盟国家摆脱20世纪90年代东南亚金融危机的影响,正逐步迈向经济恢复和迅速增长的阶段。2002~2007年间,东盟经济达到了年均15%的增长率,东盟从而成为世界上增长速度最快的地区之一。同时,东盟各国也在加快推进东盟经济共同体的建设进程,各项合作内容和机制安排正在有条不紊地进行。在这种情况下,新近爆发的全球金融危机无疑对东盟各国经济的恢复和区域经济合作带来严重的考验。当前的危机将如何影响这一地区的一体化努力?它会促使东盟各国退回保护主义的“壳体”之内,还是为东盟区域经济合作注入新的动量?从东盟的发展趋向看,为应对这场全球性的危机,强化东盟的团结和对区域经济合作的承诺显然已经成为东盟各国的共同关切。 ASEAN regional economic cooperation has been marked by a form of "reactionary regionalism" in which regional initiatives are designed to mediate and moderate external influences. During the economic and financial crisis in 1990s, ASEAN stressed the need to strengthen their cooperation in response to economic downturn. The ongoing global economic crisis poses a new challenge for ASEAN ,with implications for a slowdown in regional economic growth in the foreseeable future. Such a situation calls for strengthened ASEAN solidarity and commitment to the regional cause.
作者 郭宏
出处 《东南亚纵横》 CSSCI 2009年第6期9-13,共5页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
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