

The design and implementation of scientific literature statistical analysis system based on three retrieval systems
摘要 文中给出了系统的设计思想、体系结构,详细阐述了主要算法IESS的设计与实现。本系统可以帮助用户迅速了解研究领域的文章分布、抓住研究重点。 The design idea and system structure of scientific literature statistical analysis system are given in this paper. The design and implementation of main model IESS is explained in detail. Experi- ments show that the user can quickly understand the distribution of papers and seize the key point in their research field through the help of the system.
出处 《河北省科学院学报》 CAS 2009年第2期14-18,共5页 Journal of The Hebei Academy of Sciences
基金 河北省科学技术研究与发展计划项目(07213597)
关键词 三大检索 文献统计 网页分析 Three Retrieval Systems Document statistics Web-page analysis
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