电子商务(Electronic Commerce,EC)已被公认为是21世纪世界格局的新型经济模式和催化剂,而中小企业是推动中国经济社会发展的重要力量,其总数已超过4600万,成为了大企业发展的依托,是活跃市场的基本主体,也是经济活力的具体体现。在金融风暴袭击下,许多中小企业既要开源又要节流,经过权衡成本和效果后,电子商务无疑成为他们度过寒冬的最佳方案。
Electronic Commerce has been recognized as a new type of eeanomie model and catalyst in the 21 st century. And SMEs ( Their total number has amounted to more than 46 million ) is an important force to promote economic and social development of China. Under the financial crisis, many small and medium enterprises should not only broaden sources of income but also reduce expenses, after weighing the costs and effectiveness, the e -commeree will undoubtedly be their best option to spend the winter.
Journal of Hunan Industry Polytechnic