Objective.. To investigate the effectiveness of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) tech- nique during hydrotherapy for dysfunction of the knee joint after museuloskeletal surgery. Methods.. Eighty patients with dysfunction of the knee joint after musculoskeletal surgery were divided randomly into experimental group (n= 40) and control group (n=40). The patients in control group received routine rehabilitation treatments (muscle strengthening/ ROM training/standing training/balance training/application of orthotic/EPT/Education), and those in experimental group received both routine rehabilitation treatments and PNF technique during hydrotherapy. The assessments were done before and 4 weeks after treatment by the proprioception of the knee joint, ROM, visual analog scale (VAS), manual muscle testing (MMT), activity of daily life (ADF). Result: There was a significant improvement both in experimental group and control group after 4-week treatment (P^0.05,0.01). Conclusion.. Application of PNF technique during hy- drotherapy can effectively improve the dysfunction of the knee joint after musculoskeletal surgery.
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation
injury of the knee joint
PNF technique during hydrotherapy
curative effectiveness