

Simulation of 3-D Crack Propagation in the Integrally Stiffened Panel
摘要 基于有限元法和线弹性断裂力学理论,使用通用商业软件ABAQUS模拟了三维裂纹在飞机整体加筋板结构中的扩展过程,考察了一种典型的开裂模式,提出了一种对三维裂纹问题边界效应的修正方法,重点分析了裂纹在结构倒角附近区域的扩展规律。 The process of 3 - D crack propagation in the integrally stiffened panel is simulated by general commercial software ABAQUS based on the linear elastic fracture mechanics and finite element analysis. Focus on the crack propagation around the chamfer. A typical crack opening situation is investigated, and a method of boundary effect correction is applied.
作者 李秦 王生楠
出处 《航空计算技术》 2009年第3期74-76,82,共4页 Aeronautical Computing Technique
关键词 整体加筋板 三维裂纹扩展 边界层效应 integrally stiffened panel 3 -D crack propagation boundary effect
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