The Tianshan orogenic belt is featured in its long history of evolution and complicated structures. The contact boundary between the Tarim plate and the Zhunger plate has been considered to be the Jueluotag arc-trench zone of the Late Paleozoic time in between the Kanggurtag fault zone and the Aqikekuduke fault zone for a long time. During regional geo-ogical surveying at a scale of 1 : 50,000 in Kushui area, it is discovered that the Kushui tectonic belt is a tectonic mélange zone that consists of marginal wedge of continental shelf, island-arc basalt mass, pelagic siliceous blocks and mélange wedges, and a system of rich-in-aluminum and moderate to high metamorphosed rocks disintegrated from the epimetamorphic rocks of the original Lower Carboniferous Gandun Formation in the north of Huangshan area. The determination of the Kushui tectonic mélange and the discovery of the Huangshan metamorphosed masses provide some new evidences for reconsideration of the tectonic materials, tectonic framework and evolution in the Tianshan orogenic zone.
Geology of Shaanxi
Hami area
Tianshan orogenic zone
Kushui tectonic mélange zone
geological features