

Shaping of Well -known Brand Core Values and its Countermeasures
摘要 塑造品牌核心价值观是企业品牌经营成功的关键。塑造品牌核心价值观可以有效提高品牌认知度和忠诚度,提升品牌竞争力。以浙江义乌为例,分析知名品牌构建品牌价值观的现状和问题,提出相关对策措施。 Shaping the brand core values is the key which can effectively raise the awareness, the loyalty and Yiwu in Zhejiang Province as an example, the paper to the success of brand management of a corporate, the competitiveness of a well - known brand. Taking analyzed the current situations and problems of building the well -known brand values, and some countermeasures are introduced in the paper.
作者 何璇
出处 《义乌工商职业技术学院学报》 2009年第2期16-19,23,共5页
关键词 品牌 价值观 品牌核心价值观 品牌渗透力 整合营销 brand values brand core values brand penetration integrated marketing
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