Objective:To study the diffusion anisotropic features of different tissues and structures of normal young a dults brain by using magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging. Methods: Forty normal young adults were examined by magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The signal features of different brain structures on both apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA) maps were analyzed. The ADC and FA values were measured,and the results were analyzed statistically. Results:There was no significant difference between gray matter and white matter in ADC values (807.78±90.29 6 mm2/s and 775. 79± 115. 31× 10^-6 mmE/s,P=0. 098). FA values were significantly different from region to region in the brain. FA values of the white matter were much larger than those of gray matter and cerebrospinal fluid (P〈0.05). FA values were significantly different among different parts of white matter (P〈0.05). Splenium of corpus callosum had the highest FA values (0.73!0.09),followed by knee of corpus callosum and posterior limb of internal capsule (0.68±0.05 and 0. 67±0. 06 ,respectively). Semi-oval center and occipital forceps white matter had the lowest values (0.53±0.09 and 0. 53±0. 09,respectively). Dorsal thalamus had the highest FA values in gray matters (0.31±0.04). Conclusion..FA value can precisely quantitatively determine the diffusion anisotropic properties of different intracerebral tissues of normal young adults,and DTI could well display intraeerebral neurofibers.
Radiologic Practice
Magnetic resonance imaging