
瓯江口温州区域开发建设的规划探索 被引量:4

Exploration on the development and construction of Wenzhou district in Oujiang River Estuary
摘要 瓯江口温州区域地处瓯江与东海的交汇处,主要包括正在开发的灵昆岛、温州浅滩、洞头列岛及相应海域,是温州市海洋资源最为富集的地区之一。随着国际以石油化工、装备制造、金属冶炼等为代表的产业转移进入高峰期,国内沿海地区兴起以重化产业发展为动力的新一轮开发热潮,浙江着力推进温台沿海产业带建设,区域的开发建设条件日趋成熟,将成为未来一个时期东南沿海地区的建设热点,温州城市从"瓯江时代"走向"东海时代"的战略要地,必须要从更高层面的战略视角上加以审视和谋划。要确立科学的发展定位,从沿海地区重组整合、省域开发总体格局、温州城市整体发展的高度,明确中国民营经济创新试验区、东南沿海城市群的重要开放门户、浙江省临港产业基地的重要组成、温州大都市的滨海城市拓展区等四大功能。要构筑高效的开发框架,把握"一提升、二先导、三强化、四联动"的发展方针,构建"一轴两圈"的空间开发格局,即"聚力一轴",集中力量建设灵昆岛—温州浅滩围垦—状元岙港区发展轴,主要布局优特钢、装备制造、高新技术、港口物流、现代服务等产业,形成瓯江口温州区域开发和温州大都市东拓的"主骨架";"做特两圈",北部临港产业发展圈要充分发挥大、小门岛深水岸线长、产业发展空间大、环境自净能力强和毗邻国际国内主航道优势,着力引进大型石化和钢铁工业项目,配套发展炼化、物资储运配送等临港产业,成为国内沿海产业带的重要基地;南部海洋旅游休闲圈要以洞头本岛为中心,联合周边岛屿,依托优越的海岛生态环境和独特滨海景观,形成以海景房产、滨海休闲、中心渔港为特色的海洋休闲产业圈,成为浙南沿海重要的海岛旅游休闲基地之一。要培育临港型产业体系,把握国际产业转移高级化趋势,着眼温州现有产业基础和升级需求,发挥瓯江口温州区域港口、滩涂等资源优势,着力建设石化、钢铁、装备制造、船舶修造、高新技术、生态农业等六大产业基地,大力培育港口物流、滨海旅游休憩、现代生产性服务业三大服务中心,构筑起以临港产业为主体的新型产业体系。要构建统筹型保障机制,着力强化区域统筹协调,高效筹措区域开发资金,有力推进重大工程建设,高度重视生态环境建设。 The Oujiang River is the second longest river in Zhejiang Province and the Oujiang River Estuary ranks fifth after the Changjiang River, Yellow River, Pearl River and Qiantangjiang River Estuaries in China. The Wenzhou district is located at the junction of the Oujiang River and the East Sea, mainly including the Lingkun Island, Wenzhou Shoal, Dongtou Archipelago and corresponding waters. It is an area with richest marine resources in the city. As the international industrial transfer represented by petrochemical industry, equipment manufacture and metal smelting entering into a peak period, a new upsurge in development is in the making in the coastal areas of our country. The construction of industrial zone along Wenzhou and Taizhou will be a hot spot in the southeast coastal area in the coming years. Based on the analysis of the development conditions of the district, an overall vision for the future development of the district is described. The district should become an innovative area for private enterprises in China, an important gateway for the urban agglomeration along the southeast coast, an important industrial base by the ports in Zhejiang Province and a coastal development zone of Wenzhou city. For the spatial layout, the district should form "one-axis and two-circle" development framework. "One axis"is to concentrate efforts on the construction of the development axis of Lingkun Island-Wenzhou Shoal reclamation-Zhuangyuanao port area, the main with emphasis on excellent steel, equipment manufacture, high-tech, port logistics and modern service industries. The northern circle of industrial development should give full play to superiority of long deep water coastline Damen and Xiaomen Islands, strong capacity of environmental self-purification and close link to the main domestic and international channel to invite large-scale petrochemical and iron and steel projects and their supporting industries such as refinery and stock and distribution of goods and materials. The southern circle of ocean recreation centering about the Dongtou Island should give full play to the favorable island ecological environment and unique coastal landscape to develop marine recreation industries including sea-view real estate, beach recreation and central fishing harbor. Six major industrial bases of petrochemistry, steel, equipment manufacture, ship building and repair, high-tech and eco agriculture, the three major service centers of port logistics, coastal tourism and recreation and modern service industry will be constructed with great efforts. At last, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the regional development, with emphasis on strengthening regional co ordination, efficient financing of regional development funds, promotion of major construction projects and construction of the ecological environment.
出处 《海洋学研究》 2009年第B07期97-104,共8页 Journal of Marine Sciences
关键词 河口地区 开发建设 规划探索 瓯江口 温州 estuarydistrict development exploration Oujiang River Estuary Wenzhou
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