目的探讨急性胰腺炎的CT平扫特征及其诊断价值。方法对临床明确诊断的30例急性胰腺炎CT表现进行分析评价。结果 30例中CT诊断为急性单纯性水肿性胰腺炎13例,表现为胰腺弥漫性或局限性增大,密度轻度减低,轮廓模糊,以及胰周积液;急性出血坏死性胰腺炎17例,表现为胰腺明显增大,密度弥漫性减低,坏死区密度更低,出血区密度高于正常组织,明显的胰周脂肪坏死和积液。结论螺旋CT平扫是急性胰腺炎简便有效的影像检查方法。
Objective To evaluate the CT features of acute pancreatitis(AP) and their significance for the diagnosis. Methods CT findings of 30 patients with clinically proved AP were analyzed retrospectively. Results Among 30 cases, CT demonstrated 13 cases of mild edematous AP and 17 cases of Severe hemorrhagic - necrotizing AP. The lesions of edematous AP presented difuse or local enlargement of the pancreas, slight attenuation of the density, hazy Contour and peripancreatic effusion, while the lesions of hemorrhagic - necrotizing AP presented obvious enlargement of the pancreas, diffuse attenuation of the density, necrotic area with lower density, hemorrhagic area with higher density than normal tissue, and obvious peripancreatic changes such as fat necrosis and efusion etc. Conclusion Spiral CT plain scanning is a convenient and eficient imaging means for diagnosing AP and it should be taken as a first selected protocol.
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