As a big international buyer of bulk commodity, China should strive for the pricing power in the international market. Taking oil market as an example, the paper focuses on the economic mechanism for the strategic choice of oil pricing, and gives a general equilibrium analysis for the world oil market dominated by OPEC oil exporters and NON-OPEC ones in a trilateral trade system with the duopoly feature. There are three countries, H, F and M, and three types of goods, x, y and z (oil). H is endowed with good x, F is endowed with good y and also produces oil (z). M is an oil producing country and supplies oil only. Then it considers two types of oil market structure: Cournot duopoly (F and M set their oil supply or price simultaneously) and perfect competition. The results find that the welfare in M rises by 32. 4% and the one in F falls by 0. 8% under Cournot duopoly. This can be explained by the terms of trade effect. Contrast to M, F is a net oil importer, and the negative effect caused by high oil price and low comparative price of commodity y dominates the gains from leisure. The total social welfare decreases by 0. 7%. In case of a small weight of oil in consumer utility function, a negative shock of oil production has limited impacts on welfare loss. In a game theoretic approach with a finite strategy set of { duopoly, perfect competition, not oil} for F and M, there exists a unique Nash equilibrium {perfect competition, perfect competition}, from which H and F could benefit. It suggests that, in addition to the improvement of the national oil reserve system, China should take an active part in the oil pricing, in order to change the unfavorable position of passively bearing the impact of oil price changes.
Journal of Finance and Economics