

Evaluation Parameters of Voltage Fluctuation and Their Applications for Assessment of Measurement Instruments
摘要 分析了家电类产品在低压供电系统中产生的电压波动测试过程,讨论了其测试细节和标准的相关条款。对最大相对电压变化和相对稳态电压变化的取值进行剖析,认为前者在实际测量过程中要大于后者。使用两款不同类型家电产品的电压波动测试数据进行分析,并根据电压波动评定参数的测试结果,对所使用的测试仪器的性能作出初步判断。 The measurement process of voltage fluctuations for household apparatus in low-voltage power supply system is analyzed. The details of its testing and of the relevant standards. Provisions are discussed. The value of the maximum voltage change characteristic and the steady-state voltage change is analyzed. The value of the former should be larger than the latter. The voltage fluctuation of two different types of household electrical appliances is tested, and the measurement data are analyzed. Based on the assessment of results of voltage fluctuations, the performance of the measurement instruments is preliminary judged.
出处 《江南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第3期263-266,共4页 Joural of Jiangnan University (Natural Science Edition) 
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60572024 60772061) 江苏出入境检验检疫局科研项目(2009KJ14)
关键词 电磁兼容 电压波动 测试仪器 标准 electromagnetic compatibility, voltage fluctuations, test instruments, standards
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