
铝铜合金靶材的微观结构对溅射沉积性能的影响 被引量:8

Effects of Target Microstructure on Al-Cu Alloy Sputtering and Depositing Performance
摘要 磁控溅射中高沉积速率有利于获得高纯度薄膜,节省镀膜时间;高沉积效率的靶材可制备出更多数目的晶圆。通过建立平面靶的溅射模型研究了Al-Cu合金靶的晶粒取向和晶粒尺寸对溅射速率、沉积速率和沉积效率的影响。实验结果显示,溅射速率与靶材的原子密排度成正比关系,靶材的原子密排度受晶粒取向和晶粒尺寸的影响,有特定的变化范围,因此溅射速率也只在一个范围内变化。沉积速率和沉积效率受靶材表面空间内原子密排方向分布的影响,原子密排方向分布则由靶材的晶粒取向和晶粒尺寸决定。 In magnetron sputtering, higher deposition rate could be helpful to deposit metal films of higher purity within shorter deposition time. Target with higher deposition efficiency could deposit more wafers. A sputtering model was developed. The effects of grain orientation and grain size of planar targets on sputtering rate, deposition rate and deposition efficiency were also investigated. The results of experiments showed that sputtering rates increased with the increase of the free atom surface density (FASD) of targets, but sputtering rates could not be too high or too low for FASD of targets changed only in a limit range. Deposition efficiency and deposition rate were influenced by proportion of grain planes of targets because atomic dense directions above grain planes determined how many atoms could deposit on the substrate.
出处 《稀有金属》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期442-445,共4页 Chinese Journal of Rare Metals
基金 北京市科技计划项目(D0405001040431)资助
关键词 铝铜合金靶材 微观结构 沉积速率 沉积效率 Al-Cu alloy target microstructure deposition rate deposition efficiency
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