
运动对摄食量和体重的影响 被引量:8

Impact of exercise on meal size and body weight
摘要 对于运动后食欲和摄食量增加或者降低持有很多不同观点。运动对体重的影响除了运动消耗能量外,还与运动后的食欲和摄食量影响有关。本文综述认为一次性运动对食欲和摄食量没有影响;长期有规律运动对体型正常或者消瘦人群摄食量增加,而对体型超重或肥胖者没有影响。这些研究成果希望给运动减肥实践者提供理论依据。 There are different views about the influence of exercise on appetite, meal size and body weight. Exercise affects body weight through two mechanisms: energy expenditure, the negative impact on appetite and meal size.This article shows that acute exercise has no effect on appetite and meal size ; Long term exercise increases meal size of lean subjects and has no effect on overweight and obesity. These will facilitate weight control and bodyshaping.
作者 汪军
出处 《基础医学与临床》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期771-774,共4页 Basic and Clinical Medicine
基金 国家体育总局体育科学技术研究项目(05054) 北京市重点实验室开放性课题(2007TY021)
关键词 运动 食欲 摄食量 体重 exercise appetite meal size body weight
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