The modern Olympic Games are a top--class sports competition of the largest scale and greatest influence in today's world. It is a distinguished gathering meant for enhancing the mutual understanding between all the nations and maintaining world peace across the world. From the very beginning, however, its nature and development have predetermined the fact that it will become a stage manipulated by all the political powers. Hard as it has been trying to get rid of politics, it is still affected. The basic principles of the Olympic Games have been practically challenged ever since their foundation and politics prevails during the whole development process. Since Beijing became the host city of the 2008 Olympics, the international society is more concerned about the Olympics than it was ever before. Of course, Politics is the main reason. Where we like it or not, we can not deny the fact that the Beijing Olympics are at the same time "the Political Olympics". The political wrestle centered around the Beijing Olympics will go on and on. Through an analysis on the powers involved, the thesis is to illustrate how politics maneuvers its way into the Olympics. Moreover, suggested tactics will be proposed concerning how to handle the political pressure imposed on the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
Theoretic Observation
the Olympic Games,Politicization