
山东猪种mtDNA D-loop区部分序列遗传多样性及系统进化研究 被引量:11

The Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic Relationships among Pig Breeds of Shandong Province Based on Partial Sequence of mtDNA D-loop Region
摘要 为了解山东省猪种的遗传资源状况,阐明猪种间的亲缘关系,对山东省猪种(莱芜黑猪、大蒲莲黑猪、里岔黑猪、烟台黑猪、沂蒙黑猪、五莲黑猪、昌潍白猪和鲁烟白猪)及引进猪种(杜洛克、大约克和长白猪)共165个样本的mtDNA D-loop区部分序列(1102 bp)进行PCR扩增和序列测定,并采用现代生物信息学软件进行了数据处理分析,结果表明:山东各猪种之间遗传距离较小(0.0005~0.0046),远小于国外猪种杜洛克、长白与山东各猪种间的遗传距离(〉0.14),但大约克与山东各猪种的平均遗传距离较小(0.005)。构建的NJ分子系统进化树将所测样本分为2个独立的支系,第一支由山东各猪种和部分大约克构成,另一支全部为引进猪种。莱芜黑猪和大蒲莲黑猪在NJ系统树上分布集中,各自聚为一小类,其它6个猪种都很分散,说明莱芜黑猪和大蒲莲黑猪母源血统单一,其它6个猪种母源血统遗传复杂,彼此之间基因交流多。 In order to study the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among pig breeds of Shandong Province, the mtDNA D-loop regions of 165 samples representing the pig breeds of Shandong Province (Laiwu Black pigs, Dapulian Black pigs, Licha Black pigs, Yantai Black pigs, Yimeng Black pigs, Wulian Black pigs, Changwei White pigs and Luyan White pigs) and the ex- otic pig breeds (Duroc, Yorkshire, Landrace) were determined using the PCR amplification, se- quencing for partial sequence of mtDNA D-loop region (1 102 bp) and data was analyzed using bioinformatics software. The result indicated that the mean distances among pig breeds of Shan- dong Province (0. 000 5-0. 004 6) were smaller than that between Duroc, Landranee and pig breeds of Shandong Province(〉0.14). But Yorkshire had rather small mean distances (0. 005) with pig breeds of Shandong Province. The NJ phylogenetic tree classified the above samples into 2 clusters. One was composed of pig breeds of Shandong Province and partial Yorkshire, and the other was composed wholly of exotic pig breeds. In the cluster of Shandong Province pig breeds, Laiwu and Dapulian Black pigs were clustered in the NJ trees, and the others were rather disper- sive. It indicated that Laiwu and Dapulian Black pigs had simple maternal bloods, and the other breeds had complex maternal bloods, and ever had large gene flow with each other.
出处 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期792-799,共8页 ACTA VETERINARIA ET ZOOTECHNICA SINICA
基金 山东省农科院创新基金(2007YCX016) 山东省农业良种工程-优质肉猪配套系选育(2006LZ08) 畜禽种质资源描述标准与共享平台建设(2005DKA21101)
关键词 山东省猪种 MTDNA D-LOOP区 遗传多样性 系统进化 pig breeds of Shandong Province mtDNA D-loop region genetic diversity phylogenetic relationship
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