
宜昌夷陵区立地条件对毛黄栌生长的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Site Conditions on the Growth of Cotinus coggygria in Yiling District of Yichang Municipality
摘要 以宜昌市夷陵区毛黄栌林分为研究对象,分析坡向、坡度、坡位、林分郁闭度以及林地腐殖质层厚度5个立地因子对毛黄栌生长的影响,结果表明:虽然毛黄栌能在石质化严重的土壤上入侵、定居、生长与繁殖,并形成以毛黄栌为主要建群种的植物群落,但立地条件能极显著地影响其生长;毛黄栌胸径与树高、胸径与冠幅均呈正相关关系;坡度与郁闭度、坡度与腐殖质层厚度均呈负相关关系。对5个立地因子进行旋转因子分析得到主成分,并依次命名为林分因子及地形因子。 With stands of Cotinus coggygria located at the Yiling District of Yichang Municipality, a research on the influence of five site conditions i. e. , the slope aspect, slope gradient, slope position, canopy density and the thickness of humus layer on the growth of C. coggygria trees was conducted. The results showed that although C. coggygria could invade, ecesize, grow, regenerate and form its community, its growth was significant affected by site conditions. There were positive correlations between the DBH and the height of C. coggygria trees, and between the DBH value and the crown diameter. There were negative correlations between the slope gradient and canopy density, and between slope gradient and the thickness of humus layer. The major components were selected from five site factors by means of applying Principal Component Analysis and they were respectively named as the stand factors and the topographic factors.
出处 《西南林学院学报》 CAS 2009年第3期31-34,共4页 Journal of Southwest Forestry College
关键词 毛黄栌 立地 生长状况 主成分分析 湖北宜昌 Cotinus coggygria var. pubescens site conditions growth Principal Component Analysis Yichang Hubei
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