
互斥关系模式挖掘算法研究 被引量:2

Study on Algorithm of Mining Exclusive Relation Pattern
摘要 序列模式挖掘是数据挖掘的一个重要领域,在序列挖掘的基础上有了结构关系模式的概念,重点研究结构关系模式的一个重要分支——互斥关系模式.首先给出互斥关系模式的定义,然后讨论什么是负关联规则挖掘及其与互斥关系模式之间的联系与区别,从而得到互斥关系模式挖掘的过程;给出互斥关系模式挖掘过程采用的主要算法,并针对算法进行设计与实现,实验证明算法正确有效. Sequential patterns mining plays an essential role in many areas and substantial research has been conducted on their analysis and applications. Structural Relation Pattern mining is a new kind of data mining task which is proposed based on sequential pattern mining. Exclusive relation pattern is one of the most important forms of Structural Relation Pattern. First of all, the definition relating to exclusive relation patterns is given. Secondly, what is negative association rule mining and the difference and relation between negative association rule mining and exclusive relation pattern mining are introduced. Through them, the process of exlucive relation patterns mining is proposed. In this paper, the algrithm of mining is introduced, and some tests focusing on the algrithm are done. Through tests, the algrithm of mining exclusive relation pattern is proved to be right.
出处 《沈阳化工学院学报》 2009年第2期154-160,共7页 Journal of Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technolgy
基金 辽宁省教育厅科学研究计划资助项目(05L338)
关键词 结构关系模式 互斥关系模式 负关联规则 序列模式 structural relation pattern exclusive relation pattern negative assocation rules sequen-tial pattern
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