In 1969, Ky Fan^[3] proved that for any continuous function f from a compact convex subset M of a normed linear space X into X, there exists x E M such that ||f(x) - x|| = dist(f(x),M). Since then, there have appeared several generalizations, extensions and applications of this result. This paper also deals with some extensions and generalizations of this result when the underlying spaces are convex metric spaces.
In 1969, Ky Fan^[3] proved that for any continuous function f from a compact convex subset M of a normed linear space X into X, there exists x E M such that ||f(x) - x|| = dist(f(x),M). Since then, there have appeared several generalizations, extensions and applications of this result. This paper also deals with some extensions and generalizations of this result when the underlying spaces are convex metric spaces.
Supported by University Grants Commission, India(F. 30-238/2004(SR))