
便携式电磁辐射测量仪的设计 被引量:5

Design of portable electromagnetic radiation measuring apparatus
摘要 本文介绍了一种基于AT89C52单片机的便携式电磁辐射测量仪,该仪器通过传感器、滤波放大电路、MAX152和单片机将信号进行处理,并将结果在液晶屏上显示出来,对超出限定值有报警提示,具有体积小,便于携带,测量方便的特点。在100kHz~3GHz宽频率范围内,该仪器可以简便灵活测得电磁辐射的功率密度值,对其与0.4W/m2的国家标准限值比较,能做出电磁环境评估。通过对通信基站的电磁辐射进行实测,表明该仪器能快速、准确地显示数值,对评估电磁环境有重要作用。 In this paper, a portable electromagnetic radiation apparatus based on AT89C52 and used sensors, filtering circuit,amplifying circuit, MAX152 and MCU to process the signals is introduced. It can display the corresponding result in the LCD and give a warning if the result is out of the reasonable range and has the following characteristics:a small size, portable, easy to measure the electromagnetic radiation. In the 100 kHz-3 GHz broad frequency scope, the apparatus can simply and neatly to measure power density value of electromagnetism radiation. Compered with 0. 4 W/m^2 that is national standard limit value, it's able to make an electromagnetism environment evaluation. According to the measure to electromagnetism radiation of communication base, it's proved that the apparatus can quickly and accurately show the result which is important for evaluating the electromagnetism environment.
出处 《电子测量技术》 2009年第6期58-60,共3页 Electronic Measurement Technology
关键词 电磁辐射 测量 滤波 放大 Electromagnetic Radiation Measuring Filtering Magnify
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