

Controlling of the Uncertainty in the Knowledge Intensive Organization
摘要 随着知识密集型产业的发展,越来越多的企业面临着传统管理技术无法控制的不确定性。从表现、来源、可测性3个角度对不确定性进行了分类,提出了3种控制不确定性的能力——信息能力、沟通能力、适应能力。由于边际效应的限制,在高度不确定条件下,所有不确定性均归于不可知不确定性,要求企业必须发展适应能力,但由于经济效益的限制,总是优先发展适应能力是不经济的。通过一个坐标象限图,提出了不同不确定组合下组织最优资源投入的选择。 With the development of the knowledge intensive industry, more and more enterprises are facing the uncertainty which they are not able to control by traditional management technology. We classify the uncertainty from the point of view of appearance, resource, observability. And we assert three important ability for controlling the uncertainty- information ability, communication ability and adaption ability. Because of the restriction of marginal effectiveness, all sorts of uncertainty will become unknown when the uncertain degree is enough high.It require that companies must treat adaption as their priority. However, this choice is not always economical.From a quadrant, we assert the optimize choice of a company under the varying uncertainty.
机构地区 江南大学商学院
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第13期105-108,共4页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
关键词 知识管理 不确定性 项目管理 知识密集 适应性 Knowledge Management Uncertainty Project Management Krowledge Intensive Adaption
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