
布什政府对朝关系战略评估 被引量:1

Evaluating Bush Administration’s Korea Strategy
摘要 布什政府执政八年,美国对朝政策有重大调整。布什在两届任期内奉行了两种迥然不同的战略模式,从而直接造成了东北亚安全的动荡与朝核危机的升级。总结布什政府的对朝政策演变过程并对之进行战略评估,将可以揭示出美国在新形势下处理"敌对国家"关系,以及解决国际危机的战略构想与内在困境。 In the eight years of Bush Administration, the United States has made significant changes to its Korea policy. The two entirely different approaches adopted by Bush in each of his two terms in office has resulted in disturbances to the security in Northeast Asia, as well as the escalation of the nuclear standoff on the Korean Peninsula. At the end of his term, Bush's Korea policy was in shambles. He and his advisor's failures at grasping North Korea's political culture, strategic objectives and diplomatic overtures has resulted in huge discordances in the US' Korea policy, including reconciling US' realist tactics with Bush' s liberalist objectives. A roundup and assessment of the evolution of Bush Administration's Korea policies will put light to the US' current approaches to handling relations with "enemy states" as well as its strategic thinking at resolving international crises and their inherent dilemmas.
作者 李枏
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期90-108,共19页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
关键词 美朝关系 鹰式接触战略 六方会谈 威慑理论 US-Korean Relations / Hawkish Approach / Six-Party Talks / Theory of Deterrence
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