

The analysis of the molecular structure of microorganism antimicrobial peptide by nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry
摘要 目的:以微生物抗菌肽为研究对象,利用电喷雾串联质谱对其分子结构进行解析。方法:首先通过全扫描模式,得到主要成分的相对分子质量为1 436.76。然后选择主要成分m/z718.38(双电荷离子)进行串联质谱测定。结果:相对分子质量为1 436.76的化合物结构为β-OH-FA-TEAPQYIYNE(该肽的脂肪链为羟基14碳脂肪酸),属于Fengycin家族(families)。结论:本研究结果表明,电喷雾串联质谱适用于分析微生物抗菌肽类具有相似结构的同系物,是测定此类化合物相对分子质量及鉴定其结构的有效工具。 Objective:To analyze the molecular structure of microorganism antimicrobial peptide by nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Methods: The accurate molecular weight of the microorganism antimierobial peptide was determined first by full-scan mass spectrometry and then fragmentation ions were obtained by selecting parental ion m/z 718.38 (double charges) using tandem mass spectrometry(MS/MS). Results: The result indicated that the chemical structure of the microorganism antimicrobial peptide was β-OH-FA-TEAPQYIYNE with molecular weight 1 436.76. It belonged to Fengytin families. Conclusion:The results of this study show that nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry is suitable for the analysis of the homologue with similar structure to microorganism antibacterial peptides, and is an effective tool in determination of the molecular weight and structure of the compounds.
出处 《军事医学科学院院刊》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期248-250,295,共4页 Bulletin of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences
关键词 微生物抗菌肽 生物安全 电喷雾串联质谱 Fengycin家族 microorganism antimicrobial peptide organism security nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry Fengycin families
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