The understanding of the subject of Jun Zi Xie Lao is probably based on MAO' s explanation. And the coming various Confucians following the tradition of" praise and satire" stemed from MAO' s explanation believe that the poem was a satire of Xuanjiang. But there is a mystry about who madam Wei is and what Xuanjiang did to Xuangong in her life, according to the studying and identifying of the problems, we believe that the conclusion of" madam Wei was promiscuous and losted her dignity and principle as a wife is unreal, relating to the studying and identifying of the original meaning of the Chinese old eulogy - "zi zhi bu shu,yun ru zhi he! ", it is concluded that the meaning of"bu shu"should be regarded as "unfortunate" ,which is closer to the original intention of the poem. j
Journal of Hubei University of Education