
斜井水平井优势钻井方位确定方法研究 被引量:13

Research on optimal azimuth determination of inclined hole and horizontal hole
摘要 地应力是井眼失稳的直接诱因,合理优化斜井和水平井方位能有效避免井眼失稳、提高产能。在对贝28区地应力场研究的基础上,考虑到地应力和钻井液密度的影响,应用弹性力学原理以及改进的莫尔库伦准则建立了井眼稳定性力学模型,应用该模型分析了贝28区块井眼稳定区域、研究了贝28区块对钻井液密度的要求,结合岩石裂缝方向对产能的影响,确定该地区斜井水平井最佳钻井方位。应用地应力分布指导钻井轨迹,为井眼轨迹优化提供了新的研究方法。 Geostress is one of the immediate causes of borehole instability; optimal azimuth of inclined hole and horizontal hole can not only avoids instability but also improves productivity. Based on the geostress and drilling fluid density of Bei28 Area, elasticity mechanism and improved Mohr-Coulomb strength criteria are applied to build borehole mechanical stability model, the model is developed to analyze the stable region and security drilling fluid density of Bei28 Area. Considering the influence of rock fracture on productivity, optimal azimuth of inclined hole and horizontal hole is determined. Geostress distribution is used to guide drill track, offering a new method to optimize well track.
出处 《石油钻采工艺》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期26-29,共4页 Oil Drilling & Production Technology
基金 中国石油天然气集团公司重大攻关项目“套损原因综合分析及对策研究”(编号:060132)
关键词 贝28区块 地应力场分布 井壁稳定性 钻井液密度 方位优选 Bei28 Area geostress distribution borehole stability drilling fluid density optimal azimuth
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