目的探索护理学专业技能教学改革中的管理方法。方法以人本主义教学理论为基础设计实验室联合网络平台的开放式护理技能教学改革方案,在护理学基础、内科护理学、外科护理学、妇产科护理学、儿科护理学等7门课程中实施。实施过程中成立护理技能教学改革小组,规划改革方案;改变教学观,树立“以学生为中心”的人本主义教学理念;建设专业化的技能教学队伍;进行护理实验室硬件建设;建设基于网络的开放式护理技能教学管理平台;拍摄62部护理实践技能教学电视片;同时加强课题质量及进度管理。结果7门课程均完成了调整教学目标、技能教学标准化、操作可视及自主化、评价多元化等内容;改革后护理实验室于2007年2月至2008年6月试运行,500名在校学生平均每学期进行课外预约操练4 500学时,平均每人每学期17学时,人均较以往提高8学时;基于网络的开放式护理技能教学平台2008年3-4月录像点击频次为1 500人次;对160名运用该平台高职学生学习效果调查,73.1%-90.6%认为改革后的教学方式对操作及学习能力有直接帮助。结论实验室联合网络平台的开放式护理技能教学丰富了学习资源,提高了网络化资源的可及性和学生技能评价的多元化,有利于提高教学效果;全程管理有利于各教改项目的配合与落实。
Objective To'explore the management for reform of nursing skills teaching. Methods A lab-based and web-based open nursing skills teaching and learning reform project was launched based on Roger's Humanistic Learning Theory, and was tested in seven key nursing courses, including fundamental nursing, medical nursing, surgical nursing, obstetrics and gynecology nursing, and pediatric nursing etc. During the implementation, a nursing skills teaching reform group was established to formulate reform plans, develop student-centered teaching concept, construct professional skill training and teaching team, build nursing laboratory, and construct web-based open managing platform. The group also videoed 62 nursing skills training programmes, and strengthened the management of quality and schedule of classes. Results Teaching objectives, standardization of skills training, visualization and antonomization of operation, multiple evaluation of the 7 courses were achieved. After reform, 500 students practised extra-curricular class training of professional skills for 4,500 hours from February in 2007 to June in 2008; the videos attached in Web-based open nursing skills teaching website were clicked 1,500 times from March to April in 2008; 160 vocational nursing students who used the web were investigated, and 73.1%- 90.6 % considered it helpful for improving nursing skills and learning ability. Conclusion Lab-based and web-based open nursing skills teaching and learning reform can enrich learning resources, improve the accessibility of network resources and provide multiple methods for evaluating student' skills; management can promote cooperation and implementation of each reform project.