
试论彼奥提亚统一运动 被引量:1

On The Uniting Process of Boeotia
摘要 彼奥提亚作为希腊世界中一个重要的地区,它的统一运动较之其他地区更为特殊,不仅历时漫长且又颇费周折。在经过邦联制阶段后,彼奥提亚统一运动陷入了联邦和帝国路线之争中。强大的底比斯欲将联邦制的同盟转变为帝国,而其他一些彼奥提亚城邦则靠外部力量的援助保持独立;直到希腊化时期,底比斯的强权被彻底摧毁,彼奥提亚地区才在联邦体制下实现统一;但是,这种无足轻重的统一最后又被罗马人破坏。彼奥提亚统一运动的成败给后世留下了深刻教训,至今仍有教育意义。 Boeotia was an important territory in Greece, and its uniting process was unique, contrasted with other territories. It not only lasted a long time but also experienced lots of setbacks. After the stage of confederation, the Boeotian unification fell into conflicts between the two ways of federation and empire. The powerful Thebes tried to make the Boeotian federal constitution into an imperial system, whereas some of the other states of this territory did their best to keep their independence relying on supports of exterior powers. Until the Hellenistic period, when the power of Thebes was pulled down, Boeotia was united with true federal constitution; but the unimportant unity was funnily destroyed by the Roman. Success and failure of Boeotian in the process of unification left far-reaching lessons for their descendants even in today.
作者 冯金朋
出处 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期179-185,共7页 Journal of Southwest University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 彼奥提亚 统一运动 同盟 邦联 联邦 帝国 Boeotia uniting process confederacy confederation federation Empire ,, Boeotia uniting process confederacy confederation federation Empire
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