The thesis analyses the harmfulness and absurdity of the three points of views, localizing andenterprising and privatizing the state proporty, in the theoretical circle, and emphsizes that it is theunshaken cornerstone of transforming the administrative system of the state property to udhere tothe state owership. It proves that it is the general pivod of handling the state ptoperty's circulationto cxercise the reptesentive autherity of stare property and the supervisive-administrative authori-ty of embodying the representive authority of owners, the state's investmental authority, the profitauthority of property and the treating authority of property. It expounds the limitations of thestockization of state enterprises and points out that it is the point of the effort of guanranteeing theintegration and the increse of state property to strengthen the enterprise's duties of running author-ity. It puts forward concrete, perfect measures to strengthen enterprise's duties of running authori-ty.
Reform of Economic System