结合干涉多光谱遥感图像航天应用的要求,参考CCSDS标准无损压缩算法,提出了一种易于硬件实现的干涉多光谱遥感图像无损/近无损压缩算法。该算法在对12bit干涉多光谱图像进行2倍压缩时压缩性能与JPEG 2000标准算法相当,但算法复杂度和所需存储空间大大降低,在单片FPGA内部即可实现全部压缩功能,可以很好地满足航天应用的要求。
Focused on requirements for the interferential multispectral remote sensing image in aerospace applications, and easy hardware implemention algorithm of the lossless/nerar-lossless compression in interferential muhispectral remote sensing image is proposed on the basis of the CCSDS standard lossless compression algorithm. Compared with JPEG 2000 standard algorithm, the proposed algorithm has the same performance on twice compression of 12bit interferential muhispectral image, whiles its complication and storage space is significantly decreased,and all compression functions can be implemented in only a FPGA, which satisfied with the aerospace applications.
Space Electronic Technology